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How to Care for Spiky Agave

The agave family is a large group of succulent plants characterized by a rosette shaped growth pattern, thick leaves with a sharp tip and ridges or toothed edges, and hardiness in tough, desert growing conditions. It's infrequent blooms earned agave the nickname "century plant." Agave varieties range from a few inches tall to more than 12 feet tall with a similar spread. Agave generally live seven to 15 years, and die after sending up a single tall stalk bearing multiple flowers. Most varieties cannot tolerate frost and are only hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture gardening zones 9 to 11.

Things You'll Need

  • Sand or crushed gravel
  • Water
  • Insecticide
  • Wire fencing
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      Plant your agave in a spot that gets full sun all day or has a little protection from afternoon sun in the hottest areas. Avoid placing the agave in an area that remains damp, is near lawn sprinklers or is watered regularly. If possible, plant it on a slope that will drain water away from the plant. Agaves are very susceptible to rotting if kept wet.

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      Mix sand or crushed gravel into the soil at the planting site. A half and half mixture will provide good drainage and keep your agave from rotting. Do not add compost or any enrichment, as agave thrives in poor, sandy soil. Do not fertilize your agave. Rich soil or fertilizer can cause the plant to rot.

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      Mulch around the plant with gravel or crushed rock to prevent weeds from growing in the area. The sharp spikes of the agave make it difficult to get close enough for weeding as the plant grows.

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      Water your agave after planting, and then once per week through the summer. Let the top inch of soil dry out between waterings in the fall, and do not water once the rainy season begins. After a year of becoming established, agaves only need supplemental watering during the hottest time of summer.

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      Watch for the agave snout weevil, the main insect pest of agaves. It is a shiny black beetle with a long, pointed, snoutlike head. Apply insecticide if insects are spotted feeding on the plant. Rabbits may also eat the leaves, and can be kept away with wire fencing or a dog in the yard.