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Landscaping With a Large Cactus & Succulents

Cacti and succulents are available in a variety of shapes, sizes, flowers and colors. These types of plants have evolved to store water, which makes them able to survive adverse growing conditions. Xeriscaping is the use of cacti and succulents in landscaping, which is handy in a water conserving landscape. In arid environments or places suffering from drought, xeriscaping is better than trying to grow green grass. Large cactus in this type of landscaping gives the garden a focal point.
  1. Safety

    • Most desert plants have spines, so do not plant them near public walkways where people and pets may run into them. Wear gloves, long sleeves and pants when working with cacti and succulents. Large spines are easier to remove from the skin than small spines. Wrap spiny plants in a thick towel when moving and transplanting.


    • Nearly all cacti and succulents are drought tolerant, but they have trouble surviving excessively wet weather. Standing water causes root rot in desert plants. Many varieties of cacti and succulents are not tolerant to cold or winter climate. Several types survive short periods of freezing temperatures. Extended periods of subzero temperatures kill the leaves, branches, stems and roots of desert plants.


    • Cacti and succulents grow best when planted in full sun exposure. Plant shade-loving cacti or succulents in the shadow of large cacti. One of the most important factors of an arid environment is good-draining soil. If the soil holds too much moisture, then amend the soil with lots of sand. Observe the area before planting cacti and succulents. Any puddling after a rainstorm makes a site unsuitable for growing desert plants. One solution to standing water is to create a raised area that drains quickly after it rains.


    • Cacti and succulents grow with shallow root systems that run just under the soil. This makes desert plants great for rocky areas, places with shallow soil or rooftop gardens. Use weed cloth around the plants to reduce weed growth. Spread gravel around the base of the plants to enhance the look of the landscape, slow soil moisture evaporation and prevent the spread of soil-borne fungus. Surround the large cactus with large stones and plant small succulents between the rocks. Cluster the smaller plants together to accent the large cactus. Leave space between the groups of plants to encourage larger growth by filling in the space.


    • Theme garden designs are ideal when using arid plants. Add accents to the landscape to create an Old West theme. Old wagon wheels, partially unvarnished pole fence pieces or a hitching post are just some items to add to a theme landscape. Most cacti theme gardens have an informal look. Use clumping cacti and succulents as ground covers.