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How Long Do Fresh Cut Cactus Pads Take to Root?

The cactus family, Cactaceae, is diverse. Most cactuses have spines and succulent stems that retain moisture during hot, dry weather. Cactuses can grow well as indoor or outdoor plants in warmer climates, and most varieties can grow new plants from a removed pad or stem segment. These pad cuttings usually root within one or two months if properly cut, prepared and potted.
  1. Preparing Cuttings

    • Best rooting occurs when the cactus pads are cut when temperatures are above 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Most varieties root within four to six weeks if the cuttings are taken at the right time and prepared for planting properly. Take the pad cutting by making a clean cut at a joint. The cut end must form a callus to prevent rot and disease problems. The cut will callus within five to seven days if you store it in a well-ventilated, warm and dry area, out of direct sunlight.


    • Cactus plants root best in a well-draining potting mix. Use a general cactus potting soil or combine equal parts perlite and compost to create your own. The pot size must be large enough to hold the cutting or multiple cuttings, but not too large or it will dry too quickly. A 4-inch pot works well for most single cuttings. Insert the cut end of the cactus pad into the potting mix so the bottom one-third is buried and the cutting stands upright on its own. If you plant more than one cutting in a pot, space them 2 to 4 inches apart so they don't touch each other.


    • Cactus pads have the best chance of rooting, and will root quickly, if they get enough light and water. The soil must dry out slightly between waterings but it can't completely dry. Watering when the top 1/2 inch of soil feels dry, and providing just enough to barely moisten the soil throughout, works well. Most cactus varieties root best in bright but indirect sunlight, but some types, like apple cactus (Cereus peruvianus), root more quickly in full, all-day sunlight. Apple cactus grows in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 and above.

    After Care

    • Cactus pad cuttings may not show instant growth right after rooting, but you can check for successful rooting at any time. You will feel resistance when tugging gently on the pad once the roots form. Within a few days or weeks of rooting, new growth will appear. The pad will plump up as it begins absorbing water through its new roots. Continue to water the plant sparingly so the soil doesn't dry out completely and provide a rooted plant with full, all-day sun. You can transplant rooted cuttings to an outdoor garden bed the following spring, if you wish.