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How to Grow Barrel Cactus

Barrel cactus has several species that range from miniature to giant size. They grow naturally in the deserts between California and Texas and have beautiful flowers on the top to add to their characteristic barrel shape. In many areas, the barrel cactus grows with protected status.

Things You'll Need

  • Container
  • Cactus mix
  • Coarse sand
  • Garden soil
  • Perlite
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      Buy a Barrel Cactus or seeds from your local nursery, home and garden shop or Internet seed store. Choose a healthy plant that's sturdy and shapely. The miniature Barrel Cactus grows well in containers.

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      Pot in a small planter or container, for a larger species use a large container. Read the label for the correct size.

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      Use commercial cactus mix with perlite in a 1 to 1 ratio or mix coarse sand, garden soil and perlite.

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      Place the plant in a south window or atrium with sun to partial shade.

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      Water when the soil feels dry 1 inch below the surface.

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      Fertilize every 4 months with low nitrogen fertilizer during the growing season.