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Agave Cactus & Disease

Agave cactus is an evergreen plant of the Agavaceae family. This succulent plant species has adapted to life in the desert by forming fleshy leaves, waxy cuticles and roots that store extra water. While the agave cactus is a hardy plant, it is still susceptible to various diseases and bugs.
  1. Common Diseases

    • The agave cactus is susceptible to several fungal diseases, including phyllosticta pad spot, agave anthracnose and fungal crown rot. Agave cacti are also prone to bacterial necrosis and the Sammons' virus.


    • The fungal diseases cause lesions on the agave plant's crowns and leaves. Bacterial necrosis causes tissue decay, while the Sammons' virus causes light yellow rings to form on the leaves.

    Insect Problems

    • Agave cactus is prone to infestations of agave snout weevils (Scyphophorus acupunctatus), cactus longhorn beetles (Moneilema gigas) and mites. Stressed agave plants are susceptible to attacks by cochineal scale (Dactylopius coccus) and soft scale (Coccid).


    • These pests can cause the affected agave plant to suffer from tissue decay and wilt. Severe infestations typically kill the cactus if left untreated.


    • Since most of the pathogens are spread by splashing water, the agave cactus shouldn't be watered using overhead irrigation techniques. Infected leaves should be pruned and destroyed to avoid spreading infections.