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Bugs on an Aloe Plant

Many species belong to the genus Aloe, but aloe vera is most familiar to American gardeners. Its gelatinous pulp is said to help heal all types of skin wounds. The aloe mite and aloe scale are common insects that affect aloe plants.
  1. Eriophyid Mites

    • Mites are some of the most common insect pests of the aloe plant. They are related to spiders and are very small, which makes identification difficult. The eriophyids are sometimes called aloe mites. They feed on this plant, causing galls or unusual growth of the plant tissue. All parts of the plant can be affected, including leaves, stems and flowers.

    Aloe Scale

    • The Aloe scale is a small flat sucking insect that can kill a plant if left untreated. It has a white coating and remains in the same place on a plant its entire life, often resembling a scab and not an insect.

    Controlling Insects and Preventing Their Spread

    • The University of Arizona website advises aloe growers to remove all plants infested with mites and destroy them. Miticides are not recommended for home gardeners. Insecticidal soap and horticultural sprays can be effective against scale.