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PH Levels for Growing Cactus

Cacti are low-maintenance plants, requiring only bright light and proper soil to grow well with little attention. You can buy premixed cactus potting soil or make your own. The University of Rhode Island recommends using one part garden soil, one part builder's sand and one part peat moss.
  1. Cactus Requirements

    • Most cacti require alkaline soil.

      Regular cacti grow best in alkaline soil, according to the University of Rhode Island. If necessary, add lime to raise the pH of the soil.

    Holiday Cactus

    • Christmas cacti require acid soil.

      Christmas cactus (Schlumbergera bridgesi), Easter cactus (S. gaertneri) and Thanksgiving cactus (S. truncatus) are all plants that grow in tropical tree crotches. These plants need fertile, acidic soil, with a pH of 5.5 to 6.2, according to Texas A&M.

    Testing PH

    • You can buy easy-to-use pH meters at hardware stores and garden centers. In addition, your local state or county extension service may offer inexpensive soil analyses.

    PH Problems

    • If the stems or leaves on your plant turn yellow, or the plant fails to thrive despite adequate care, test the soil pH. PH that's too high or low affects the plant's ability to absorb nutrients from the soil.