Home Garden

How to Build a Dragon Fruit Farm

Dragon fruit or pitaya cacti are a good choice for a home fruit farm if you live in a warm climate. They grow readily in most soils and the fruits are ready for harvesting within a year. A miniature dragon fruit farm with just five mature plants can produce over a thousand pounds of fruit a year, which is enough for a family with plenty left over to sell, exchange or give away. Obviously, your farm can be scaled up if you have the space and the time, although you'd need to check local regulations on starting a commercial enterprise.

Things You'll Need

  • Garden tools
  • Trellis
  • Knife
  • Pitaya cuttings
  • Fertilizer
  • Watering equipment
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      Prepare your ground by loosening the soil, removing rocks and weeds and positioning one or more strong trellises. If you want more than one row, organize them about 12 to 15 feet apart. In a small area, do the preparation manually with basic garden tools such as a spade and garden fork.

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      Cut or purchase enough pitaya cuttings to have one every 3 to 5 feet on your site, with a few extra. If you take the cuttings from an established plant, cut stems of 10 to 15 inches at a diagonal at the base of the stem. Take them from two or more genetically different plants to ensure fertilization and fruit productions. Some forms of pitaya can't pollinate themselves. Allow the cuttings to dry for about a week.

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      Push the cuttings into the soil and water until the soil is damp. Plant the remaining cuttings in plant pots as spares in case some of the cacti fail.

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      Begin fertilizing once significant growth shows, usually after 4 to 6 weeks. Use approximately 1 pound of general-purpose fertilizer for every 4 plants. Fertilize every couple of months during the growing season. Organic options such as compost or manure are fine as an alternative or in addition to a commercial fertilizer, but ensure these materials don't touch the base of the plants.

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      Water every two to three days with enough water at the base of plants to dampen the soil, especially after flowering. A period of drought may be necessary to induce flowering, but after flowering, the pitayas need plenty of water for maximum fruit production