Home Garden

The Propagation of Red Bird Cactus

Red bird cactus (Pedilanthus tithymaloides), also known as Jacob's ladder, slipper spurge or devil's backbone, is a dramatic, upright succulent shrub that can reach heights of 5 feet at maturity. Red bird cactus is appropriate for growing indoor, or can be planted outdoors in U.S. Department of Agriculture hardiness zones 9 to 11. When conditions are right, the plant will produce bright red, bird-shaped blooms.
  1. Take the Cutting

    • Red bird cactus is propagated in spring or summer by cutting 3- to 4-inch stems from the tips of a healthy plant. The stems are cut using a new razor blade or a sharp knife, as a dull knife will create a jagged cut that will tear the tissues. The cutting is set aside for a full day, or until the cut stem forms a callus.

    Planting the Cutting

    • Red bird cactus stems are planted in a pot filled with a moistened, well-drained potting mixture. A commercial potting mixture for cactus and succulents will work well, but a handful of coarse sand will improve drainage. A pot with a drainage hole is crucial, as red bird cactus, like all succulents, is prone to rot in soggy soil. The stem is planted up to about half of its length, then the potting soil is patted gently around the stem.

    Caring for the Cutting

    • The red bird cactus cutting is placed where the stem will be exposed to bright light, but not direct light. The top of the soil is allowed to dry out completely before the cutting is watered. The potting mixture is watered sparingly, providing only enough water to keep the potting mixture barely damp.

    General Care

    • Red bird cactus benefits from being located near a window with a southern, western or eastern exposure where the plant will be exposed to bright but indirect sunlight. Normal room temperatures between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit are appropriate. Because red bird cactus is a light feeder, the plant will benefit from two feedings every year, in April and July, using a regular fertilizer for indoor plants. Red bird cactus is watered with warm water. The soil is allowed to dry between waterings. During the winter months, red bird cactus is watered only enough to keep the soil from becoming completely dry.