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Problems With a Mini Cactus

Like certain exotic and tropical plants, some varieties of miniature cacti make interesting and attractive houseplants. The kind most commonly grown for indoor settings include Notocactus, Mammillarias, Aeoniums and Lithops. Cacti are members of the succulent group of plants. Although most mini varieties are easy to grow indoors as potted plants, they can experience certain health problems.
  1. Insects

    • Spider mites, mealybugs and scales are some of the pests that may cause problems in a mini cactus plant. Spider mites feed on the sap and create fine webs over the surface of the cactus, while mealybugs create clumps of cottony masses. Scale insects are tiny insects that look like small raised spots on the surface of the mini cactus. Use a miticide on large infestations of spider mites, but treat mealybugs and scale problems by dabbing the areas containing the pests with a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol.


    • Fungus that causes root rot is one of the most common problems in potted cacti and other succulents. This usually occurs from inadequate watering and can make soft, mushy spots in the base of the mini cactus plant. If you catch it early enough, removing and repotting the plant in a suitable medium will help resolve the problem.


    • Mini cacti prefer the conditions that exist in their natural, outdoor sites. This includes a loose, well-drained medium with good drainage. Planting this succulent in a blend of sand, soil and small gravel helps to recreate the native growing medium. A pot that contains large drainage holes helps to facilitate optimal drainage and reduces the risk of root rot.


    • Mini cacti that don't get adequate amounts of sunlight tend to lean towards the available source of light. While most cacti lean slightly towards a light source, ones without sufficient light lose their standard shape as they elongate and stretch to obtain more light. Too little light can cause mini cacti to fade and look slightly yellow and pale. Most cacti require bright light, but they can suffer in areas within the house that include both intense heat and direct light. Most mini cacti grow best and experience fewer problems with proper watering. Let the soil dry between watering sessions, then apply enough water to cause drainage from the holes in the bottom of the plant. A mini cactus that appears shriveled, rather than plump and rounded, requires water.