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Succulent Arrangement Ideas

Originating in desert regions and tropical forests, succulents add interesting shapes to an arrangement while requiring little care and maintenance. As the sole plant in an arrangement, the succulent's fleshy leaves add a point of interest to any interior decor. When paired with cacti, the smooth leaves of succulents offset the cactus' sharp spines. The many shades of green of various succulents act as foliage in a contemporary flower arrangement.
  1. Description and Care

    • All cacti are succulents, but not all succulents are cacti. Succulents have fleshy stems that store water and wide, fleshy leaves that are efficient at collecting moisture. Cacti have spines instead of leaves, arranged in groups of three. As many succulents originated in warm, desert regions, in most regions they are primarily grown indoors as houseplants. Most succulents prefer a sunny site, though they can become sunburned with too much exposure. They need a fast-draining soil, as they are used to environments with little water. The most common insect problems with succulents are spider mites and mealy bugs. They are also susceptible to black stem rot caused by over-watering.

    As a Central Focus

    • The symmetrical arrangement of the full fleshy leaves of succulents, such as haworthia and hen-and-chicks, lend themselves to geometrically shaped arrangements. Choose a square or round container for your arrangement and place one large succulent plant in its center. A bright yellow container contrasts strongly with the green of the plant; natural containers of wood highlight the earthiness of the succulent; and pale-yellow and sand-colored pots echo the plant's desert origins. Surround the plant with small rough rocks to contrast with its smooth leaves. For succulents with a long, tree-like stem like the jade plant, position smaller succulents around its base. Succulents known as living stones have much variety in shape, texture and color. Arrange a collection of several types of these small plants on rocks to highlight their stone-like appearance.

    With Cacti

    • Cacti and succulents need similar growing conditions and can be planted successfully in the same container. The smooth, glossy leaves of succulents contrast with the short sharp spines of cacti. Use the tall mother-in-law's tongue succulent, with its long, yellow-edged dark green leaves, alongside the round barrel shape of the crown cactus. Offset the pink flowers of the blooming Christmas cactus with the variegated leaves of the aloe plant. For a harmonious and warm color scheme, place the red, pink and orange flowers of the kalanchoe succulent with the red-top cactus, which features red, yellow or orange growths on top of a smooth, green body.

    In Floral Arrangements

    • For floral arrangements, create a mix of succulents and flowers in a bouquet. Remove small succulents from their pots and tape them onto the end of florists' wire to form a flower shape. Cover the wire completely with green florists' tape. Insert the succulent "flower" into a floral arrangement alongside exotically shaped flowers. You can replant the succulent later. Even though most flowers need different soil and watering conditions to succulents, you can arrange them together by using different pots. Choose a suitable container in which to plant the flowers. Place the pot containing the succulent in this container, on a brick or some rocks to raise it to a height so that the top of its soil is level with that in the flower container. Plant flowers that require the same amount of sun as the succulent. Water the flowers and the succulent separately as needed.