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How to Clear a Cactus

Cacti are prolific in several areas of the United States, and many people find them charming. They may bring to mind images of the old west, visions of painted deserts or a memory of that great Mexican vacation. For some people, however, cacti are simply invasive pests. They take over gardens, propagate quickly without assistance and seem difficult to get rid of. You cannot simply grab a cactus with your hands and yank it up without incurring serious injuries. Fortunately, the simplest way to clear out a cactus does not require you to touch it at all.

Things You'll Need

  • Power saw
  • Shovel
  • Horse manure
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    • 1

      Cut the cactus down as far as you can with a power saw. Leave the shortest stump possible. Discard the removed cactus far away from fertile soil or new plants may start to grow.

    • 2

      Cover the stump with 2 feet of horse manure. Make sure that it is generously heaped over the stump.

    • 3

      Uncover the stump every three to four weeks and examine it. Cut off any new growth with the power saw. Recover the stump with the manure or with new manure; eventually the cactus stump will choke and decompose into rich, natural compost for whatever you wish to plant.