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How Is Temperature a Limiting Factor for a Cactus?

Cactus are desirable, low-maintenance plants for gardeners. Their one limiting factor is their inability to survive frosts or cold temperatures. In fact, gardeners should even place indoor cacti in areas where they can receive enough light and heat to prevent health problems. Understanding where you can plant your cactus will prevent poor health or death.
  1. Outdoor Temperatures

    • Your cactus plant's ability to survive cold temperatures depends on its variety. Some cacti can tolerate temperatures below 32 degrees Fahrenheit, while others die out when temperatures dip below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Gardeners may notice that the tips of their cacti plants die out during freezes. One way to figure out how well your plant can survive cold temperatures is to find out its origin. For example, the echinocereus species originated in the southern United States and Mexico. These cacti can tolerate frosts. However, cacti from Baja, California, are too tender to live through freezing temperatures.

    Best Places to Plant Outside

    • One way of increasing the amount of heat to your cactus is planting in the south-facing areas of your yard. These areas receive the most sunlight. Watering is another way of helping a cactus survive winter temperatures. Cold weather and saturated soil are a lethal combination for cactus plants. Your cactus should be watered infrequently during the winter months so that it remains dormant and able to handle cold temperatures.

    Planting Indoors

    • Some gardeners want to skip the headaches associated with figuring out where their cactus will survive and bring plants in for the winter. It is important to keep your cactus in an area where temperatures do not dip below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Keeping your cactus plant in the garage will not adequately protect the plant or give it enough sunlight. Furthermore, take your cactus back outside when you are sure the last frost of the year has passed.

    Where to Place Cacti

    • Place your potted cactus in an area where there are no temperature fluctuations. Avoid areas next to air conditioning, frequently used doors, heaters or where there is high humidity. Choose a south-facing window for your cactus plant. Make sure that the window is covered with a sheer curtain to prevent sunburning the cactus. When taking your cactus back out in the spring, place the plant in the shade. Increase the amount of sunlight your plant receives every few days until it is back in full sun.