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Gardening Methods for a Dragon Cactus

Dragon cactus, also known as dragon fruit cactus or pitaya cactus, produces a sweet fruit. Growing the dragon cactus from seed to mature plant that produces fruit can be a difficult task. In order for the dragon cactus to grow properly, you will need to follow the right gardening methods.
  1. Moisture

    • Dragon cactus must be kept moist in order to grow. You should water the cactus daily and check the soil to make sure it isn't dry. When watering the soil, just water it enough so that the soil is wet. Do not saturate it. If you see water puddled around the dragon cactus, you have watered it too much and should water it less next time.

    Light Exposure

    • The dragon cactus needs to be planted in an extremely sunny area. If it only receives shade full time, it will not grow properly. Check on your dragon cactus at different types of the day to make sure that it is receiving sun. If it is not, trim nearby brush that is causing the shade or transport the cactus to an area that receives more sun.


    • During the dragon cactus' first year of life, you will need to fertilize it once every eight weeks using 1/4 lb. of fertilizer specifically made for tropical plants. For dragon cacti that are 1 to 3 years old, increase the fertilization to 1/3 lb. every two months. In addition, add 6 lbs. of compost or manure to each cactus every six months. After the third year, dragon cacti need anywhere from 1/2 to 3/4 lb. of fertilizer three to four times each year. Additionally, add 5 lbs. of compost or manure to each cactus semi-annually.


    • Weeding of the intended growing area should be done prior to planting a dragon cactus. Once the cactus is planted, it is necessary to monitor the growing area for new weeds that have sprouted. If any weeds are seen, they need to be pulled out of the ground immediately to prevent them from inhibiting the growth of the dragon cactus.