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How to Care for a Euphorbia Trigona Cactus

Euphorbia trigona is a cactus commonly known as the African milk tree. It originates from Africa and is a popular houseplant in other parts of the world. Euphorbia trigona is a spiny shrub that contains a milky sap in its leaves. It grows to 6 feet tall, and some cultivars have red leaves. Euphorbia trigona is highly tolerant of drought, as are other species of cactus, and propagates easily from cuttings.

Things You'll Need

  • Garden trowel
  • Heavy gloves
  • Spray bottle
  • Newspaper
  • Small planter
  • Sandy loam
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      Place Euphorbia trigona in a sunny location, typically a southern window if the plant is kept indoors. Maintain the plant at a temperature of at least 55 degrees Fahrenheit.

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      Give the Euphorbia trigona 1 inch of water per week in warm weather and 1 inch every two weeks in cold weather, ensuring the soil is completely dry before watering. It is better to water too little than too much, especially during the winter. A mature Euphorbia trigona requires very little maintenance so long as it is not over-watered.

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      Cut a growing stem from a mature Euphorbia trigona stem while wearing heavy gloves. Take the cutting during the spring or summer, when the temperature is about 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Run cold water over the open end of the cutting to stop the flow of sap. Spray the cut end of the plant with water, using a spray bottle.

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      Wrap the cutting in newspaper. Store it in a dry place for a three or four days to keep it from rotting.

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      Fill a small planter with sandy loam. Place the open end of the cutting in the soil so that half the cutting's length is below the soil. A planter that is too large for the cutting may not dry out between waterings and can cause the cutting to rot. Wait several days after planting the cutting before giving it water.