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How to Winterize a Torch Cactus

The torch cactus is one of the most iconic and recognizable of all cacti. Prized for their large, sweet-smelling flowers, torch cacti have a long, tubular trunk that sprouts multiple branches as the plants mature. The torch cactus is relatively easy to grow, thriving in both full sun and shady gardens. Cold weather is deadly to most types of succulents, and winterizing your torch cactus is necessary to assure it survives the winter.

Things You'll Need

  • Insecticide
  • Trowel or small shovel
  • Liquid fungicide
  • Watering can
  • 0-10-10 blossom builder
  • Outdoor plant covers
  • Stakes
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      Inspect your torch cactus in mid-September for signs of parasites. Scale and mealy bugs are common on torch cacti and will kill a plant if not eliminated. Spray the cactus from the top of the stem to the soil with an insecticide formulated for succulents.

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      Pull weeds and small flowering plants from around the base of each cacti and turn the ground with a small trowel or shovel. This loosens the soil and makes it easier for thirsty plants to absorb what little water hits the ground during winter months.

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      Pour a dose of liquid fungicide around the base of the cactus and soak the soil with a watering can. Read the instructions on your fungicide carefully, as different brands recommend different doses for torch cactus. The soil should be soaked to a depth of 2 inches to distribute the fungicide evenly.

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      Fertilize the cactus with a 0-10-10 blossom builder approximately two weeks after treating for insects and fungus. Torch cacti are prized for their vibrant flowers, and a blossom builder provides the cactus with the necessary nutrients to encourage large blossoms at the start of the growing season.

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      Cover each cacti with an outdoor plant cover. Torch cacti stems are composed mostly of water transport tissues and will freeze and die if not covered. Slide the cover over the trunk of the cactus, staking it with small metal stakes to hold it in place.

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      Water your torch cactus once a month during winter dormancy. Wait until the warmest part of the day and pour enough room temperature water around the cactus to soak 1 inch into the soil. Tepid water warms up cold soil, allowing the cactus to absorb water and survive through the winter.