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Do Succulents Like a Lot of Sun?

The succulents are a diverse group of plants characterized by their fleshy leaves and stems. Cactus are a large group of succulents, but others include the aloes and the aeoniums. Many succulent plants live in hot dry areas such as deserts as their water-storing tissue allows them to survive for long periods without any rain. Most succulents require bright light to thrive, but not all of them grow well in full sunshine.
  1. Sunshine Tolerance

    • The exact sunshine tolerance of your succulents will depend on their natural origins. Large desert cacti such as the saguaro thrive in full sunshine, while smaller cactis and many aloes tend to grow among other plants and require some shade. Ask about the exact growing requirements of each plant at point of sale. In general, succulents thrive if allowed at least four hours of direct sunshine every day. Many species appreciate light shade during the early afternoon.

    Sunshine Damage

    • Succulents that receive too much sunshine look washed out and may develop yellow or brown patches on their stems and leaves. They may also produce new growth with small leaves or stunted branches. Move sun-damaged succulents to a more shaded location or provide them with shade during the hottest part of the day. Move newly acquired succulents into the sun gradually over a week so that they do not burn.

    Indoor Succulents

    • Place indoor succulents on a south- or west-facing windowsill that receives direct sunshine. Succulents need to be in the brightest available spot to thrive, especially during the winter months. Rotate them by half a turn every week to prevent uneven growth. Make sure that the leaves or stems are not touching window glass as this can cause scorching on hot days.

    Outdoor Suculents

    • Grow succulents on a west- or south-facing slope that receives at least four hours of sunshine every day. Growing different succulents together allows smaller, more sensitive plants to grow in the shade cast by larger plants. Water succulents only when the top inch of their soil is completely dry, as they are very vulnerable to root rot, especially during the winter.