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Can Succulents Survive a Freeze?

Frost damage occurs when liquid inside a plant's cells freezes and forms ice crystals. When temperatures drop below 32 degrees Fahrenheit, freeze damage may occur in the plant. While a freeze may kill some types of succulents, others can survive cold temperatures. Of those capable of withstanding colder temperatures, how easily they will recover depends on how low the temperatures drop and for how long.
  1. Symptoms

    • A light, almost white color on a succulent after a freeze is usually the first sign that the plant has suffered damage. Eventually, the damaged part of the plant will wilt and turn black. The black is due to secondary bacterial rot. Sometimes the affected part of the succulent will simply wilt and fall off with no discoloration. Succulents that have succumbed to freeze damage entirely will collapse after thawing and show no signs of life, such as new green growth.

    Freeze Damage Care

    • The key factor in helping a freeze-damaged succulent to recover is time. It takes a while for the full extent of the damage to reveal, so keep an eye on the plant and watch how it does before pruning or taking other action. Keep the plant's water and lighting conditions regular throughout the spring as it recovers. Once some time has passed and you have a clearer idea of the extent of the damage, you can remove damaged areas.


    • After all danger of frost and freezing temperatures has passed, you can prune out the areas of the succulent that have been damaged, especially the areas where bacterial rot is present. Sterilize your tools by dipping them into a solution of one part bleach to 10 parts water as you work to prevent spreading the bacteria. Cut the affected areas back to healthy tissue.


    • If you know a freeze is going to occur and your succulents are in pots, move them indoors. If they are too heavy to move or are planted in the ground, cover the succulents with a frost blanket or a large piece of burlap. If you use plastic, do not allow it to touch the plant as it could do damage if it freezes to the plant. Do not water the succulents before a freeze is to occur. They have a better chance of surviving a freeze if the soil is dry.