Home Garden

Height of a Cactus

Cacti are succulents that store water and conduct photosynthesis in their fat stems and have spines evolved from leaves. There are over 1,800 species of cacti in 122 genera; all are native to the Americas. Numerous small species, a few inches in height, are commonly grown as houseplants. The largest species, including the famous saguaro (Carnegiea gigantean) associated with Arizona's Sonoran Desert, are the size of trees.
  1. Short Cacti

    • Numerous species of cacti are only a few inches tall.

      There are scores of species of cacti that are a few inches tall and are commonly grown in pots. Among the genera of short cacti are Archaragma, Echinocactus, Frailea, Ferocactus, Gymnocalycium, Coryphantha, Cumulopuntia and Discocactus.

    Shortest Cactus

    • Blossfeldia liliputiana is generally accepted as the shortest cactus. It grows naturally at elevations between 4,000 and 11,800 feet in Southern Bolivia and Northwestern Argentina. It's usually about 1/2 inch wide and 1 inch tall. It can survive an entire year without moisture and is commonly grown in pots.

    Medium High Cacti

    • Medium-height cacti

      There are numerous species of cacti that grow up to 3 feet tall and are suitable for growing in a garden. Species of Mammilaria grow from 6 to 8 inches tall. Species of Echinomastus, Eichinomastus, Echinocereus and Matucana grow up to 12 inches tall. Species of Bergerocactus and Brachycereus grow up to 2 feet tall. Members of the genus Melocactus growsup to 3 feet high.

    Tall Cacti

    • Specimens of Brasiliopuntia brasiliensis, native to Brazil and found throughout South America, have been measured with trunks 14 inches wide and growing as high as 66 feet tall. The most famous tall cactus in the United states is the saguaro cactus, listed under the scientific names Carnegiea gigantean or Cereus giganteus. The saguaro adds an inch a year or less in height, growing to 50 feet tall. Saguaros are associated with the Sonoran Desert of Arizona and are familiar backdrops in Western movies. The saguaro is the state plant of Arizona.

      The candelabra cactus (Isolatocereus dumortieri), native to Southern Mexico, is a branching cactus that can have a trunk up to 12 inches wide and can grow up to 50 feet tall.

      Cephalocereus, native to Southern Mexico, is covered with distinctive long white hair, making it a favorite for home gardeners. It can reach almost 50 feet high.

    Tallest Cactus

    • Cardón cactus growing in Baja California.

      The tallest cactus is the cardon cactus (Pacycereus pringlei), native to Baja California with a few growing in the southern part of Arizona's Sonoran Desert. Specimens of this slow-growing cactus have weighed in at 25 tons growing to 70 feet high. The slow-growing cardón cactus can live up to 300 years. The main trunk of a cardón can have up to 25 branches growing up to 5 feet wide.