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What Is an Aloe Offset?

Aloe plants are succulents that have thick fleshy leaves and stems that store water in case of drought. These desert plants reproduce through seeds or offsets. Seed reproduction occurs when the aloe blooms, which rarely occurs in houseplants. Offsets tend to develop more often than seeds during an aloe's lifespan.
  1. Definition

    • Offsets are small, young aloe plants that are attached to the mother plant's roots. This plantlet is an exact genetic copy of the parent plant. The production of offsets is a sign of a healthy, vigorous growing mature aloe plant.


    • Offsets or pups are separated from the mother plant when they are a couple of inches tall and possess roots of their own. Cut the offsets away from the mother plant with a sharp knife. Let the cut area form a scab by drying the pups for two to three days before planting.


    • Fill a plant pot with a mixture created from equal parts of potting soil and sand. Do not plant aloe pups in wet soil, since they are susceptible to root rot.