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How to Germinate Echinocactus Grusonii

The golden barrel cactus, scientifically known as the Echinocactus grusonii and less-scientifically known as the mother-in-law's cushion, grows natively in the Mexican deserts. Gardeners in the warmer areas of the American Southwest grow the plant as a landscape feature or in containers for indoor enjoyment. Growing the golden barrel cactus from seeds requires several steps.

Things You'll Need

  • Low pan or tray
  • Sterile potting soil
  • Plastic bag
  • Sand
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    • 1

      Fill a low pan or tray with an inch or two of sterile potting soil. Choose a small tray that fits inside a plastic bag to retain humidity.

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      Place the golden barrel cactus seeds on the surface of the potting soil and cover with a half-inch of sand. Place the tray in a clear plastic bag to retain humidity around the seeds.

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      Keep the seed tray in a sunny spot where temperatures stay about 75 degrees Fahrenheit throughout the day and night. Wipe any condensed moisture from the inside of the bag. If this moisture drips into the sand, it makes the seeds too wet and causes decay.

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      Dig small holes in the sand. Add water to the tray through the holes in the sand to keep the potting soil evenly moist. Keep the potting soil moist and the sand dry for best results.