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Blueberry Bush Watering and Beetles

Although blueberry bushes are hardy plants, a number of beetle species can destroy a plant and its harvest. Keeping blueberry plants healthy is vital for reducing beetle damage to the bushes.
  1. Watering Blueberries

    • Blueberry plants need to be watered at least once a week to keep the soil moist, making it easier for the plant to take in nutrients and absorb any necessary fertilizers or pesticides. This keeps the plant strong and resistant to disease and pest problems.

    Japanese Beetle

    • Japanese beetles are attracted to blueberry bushes and can destroy a bush by eating all of its leaves. Pesticides and physical removal help control the Japanese beetle population, limiting the damage they can do.

    Chafers and Weevils

    • Chafers and weevils are beetles that feed on blueberry bushes early in the growing season, according to entomologist Erwin Elsner writing for the Michigan State University Extension. Like Japanese beetles, chafers and weevils can be controlled with the use of pesticides, as well as physical removal.