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How to Fertilize Blueberries With Drip Irrigation

A drip irrigation system allows you to apply small amounts of water-soluble fertilizer at various intervals in various seasons. Applied appropriately, highly diluted fertilizer injected into the soil through a drip irrigation system is better for blueberry roots than soil-applied dry fertilizers. This practice, called "fertigation," is well-suited to blueberries as blueberry cultivars are highly sensitive to excessive fertilizer.

Things You'll Need

  • Backflow prevention valve
  • Manual shut-off valve
  • Water-soluble nitrogen fertilizer
  • Displacement injection pumping system
  • Automatic timer (optional)
  • Alarm system (optional)
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  1. Setup

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      Analyze your irrigation water before injecting fertilizers into your drip irrigation system. Water supplies with excessive minerals can clog emitters.

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      Install a backflow prevention device to both the main line and injection pump line before attaching fertilizing system. If backflow prevention devices are not installed, the water source will become contaminated if a power failure or system malfunction occurs during fertilization.

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      Attach a displacement injection pump directly in front of the filter station. Select the best filter size so fertilizer gets applied within 90 minutes. Whether tanks, motor-driven pumps or electric pumps, choose a injection pump system to suit your needs.

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      Install a manual shut-off valve to your drip irrigation equipment to control water pressure and the amount of fertilizer injected into the drip system.


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      Use soil test recommendations for blueberries to determine how much fertilizer to inject through your drip irrigation. Over-fertilizing will cause damage to blueberry cultivars.

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      Develop a schedule of the amounts of fertilizer to be injected. The steps for calculating these amounts differ for dry and liquid materials.

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      Use a premixed, water-soluble, nitrogen and potassium fertilizer. Avoid fertilizers containing phosphorus as chemical reactions with irrigation water cause clogging.

      When using dry fertilizer, fill your injection supply tank with half the water needed. Add dry fertilizer slowly, constantly agitating the material. Do not add fertilizer too fast as the material will settle on the bottom. Add the rest of the water, making sure the dry fertilizer gets completely dissolved.

      Direct injection of liquid fertilizers is possible without adding any water, especially if you have an adjustable rate injection pump. Just be sure to monitor fertilizer injection amounts carefully as too much will ruin your blueberries.

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      Allow the system to reach normal operating pressure before injecting fertilizer. If you don't fertilize daily, flush the system after the last injection to clean out all fertilizer material from the lines.