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In What States Do You Find Blueberries?

Grown in every state, blueberries are a relatively hardy plant. Found at different times of the growing season in different hardiness zones, there are several varieties from which to choose. Blueberries are in season from May through September.
  1. Finding Blueberries

    • Relatively easy to grow, requiring only a sunny location and well drained soil, not only do commercial growers produce blueberries, individuals often grow them in their backyards -- not only for the fruit, but also for the plant's ornamental quality. The most common varieties of blueberries include the Rubel, Northland, Jersey, Hardyblue, Duke, Chandler, Brigitta, Blueray, Bluecrop, Austin, Brightwell and Powderblue blueberry bushes. They grow in hardiness zones 3 through 8 and ripen from early in May until the end of September. Find blueberries in hardiness zones 3 and 8 early and mid-season. In hardiness zones 4 through 7, you can find blueberries throughout the growing season.