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How Long Does Pamtre Berry Take to Grow?

The Pokemon fourth-generation Nintendo DS games takes place within the land of Sinnoh, where you can plant fruit, such as the Pamtre berry. While you can get your first berry at Amity Square, you can also plant these berries to grow Pamtre berry trees that will produce more berries. The Pokemon world contains several types of berries that take anywhere from four to 96 hours to grow, though Pamtre berries are somewhere in the middle.
  1. Pamtre Berries

    • The Pamtre berry is a large fruit that is soft and sweet and often used for cooking the popular Poffin treats. It is said that the berry traveled to the Pokemon via faraway seas. Pamtre berries must be planted within soft soil in order to grow and produce more berries. They are typically 9.6 inches in size and have a dry-sweet taste. In "Pokemon Black" and "Pokemon White," the Pamtre berries are very rare and command a high price from maniacs.

    Growing Pamtre Berries

    • The best place to plant your Pamtre berries are along a route or in a city that you visit often. This way you will always be around to check in on them so you don't miss an important step in the berries' maturity. Pamtre berries require 15 hours for each stage of growth. Set a timer so it rings every 15 hours so you can go in and check on them. The berries reach full maturity after 60 hours. At this time, they can be harvested. Pamtre berries yield anywhere from three to 15 berries.

    Faster Growth

    • While the typical growing time is 15 hours per stage, it is possible to speed this up. The Berry Master's wife sells a fertilizer known as Growth Mulch that will decrease the amount of time it takes the berries to grow by 25 percent. For Pamtre berries, the new growth time with the mulch is 11.25 hours per stage or 45 hours total. To purchase the mulch, head to Route 208 and talk with the Berry Master's wife.


    • When growing Pamtre berries, or any berries, it is best to remember that the soil dries out faster during daylight hours. Water your Pamtre berries before you go to bed for the night and then every few hours throughout the day. The more you keep your berries watered, the more berries you can harvest once the bush is mature. For the best berries in quantity and freshness, keep the soil a dark brown for the entire 60 hours it takes for the plants to mature.