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When to Pick Wild Raspberries

When most people think of raspberries, the red variety comes to mind; however, raspberries come in red, yellow, purple and black. Due to the prickly nature of the raspberry bush, they are part of the rose family and are considered "aggregate fruits," which means they have a collection of tiny seed-bearing fruits--known as drupelets--arranged around a hollow core. Picking wild raspberries can be a fun-and delicious family pastime.


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      Determine who owns the land where the wild raspberries are found. Check with the owner not only for permission to pick the berries but also to learn if any fertilizer or chemical treatments have been used on the plants.

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      Pick black raspberries early to late summer, depending on the variety. Black raspberry bushes are generally found in hills or clumps and do not produce many suckers. This fruit is smaller and seedier than the red varieties; it is best used for making pastries and preserves.

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      Check wild red raspberries several times during the season. Some varieties can be harvested in early summer, some mid-summer and others late summer. Some varieties are ever-bearing, which means they produce fruit in early summer to mid-summer and again in the fall. Red raspberries are well-suited for most uses.

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      Pick yellow raspberries in early summer and again in the fall, since most varieties are ever-bearing. Yellow raspberries have more sugar and are less acidic than the red varieties, making them good for eating but not for cooking.

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      Look for purple raspberries to grow in hills like the black varieties. They have an irregular shape and are better used for preserving than eating fresh. Pick purple raspberries in mid to late summer.

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      Pick all varieties of raspberries gently since the delicate fruit can be squashed with little effort. The raspberry is ripe when the fruit comes off the stem easily. A berry that is not ripe will cling to the stem tightly. Leave this fruit on the cane and check back again in several days.