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How to Get a Miracle Berry

Miracle Berry, known botanically as Synsepalum dulcificum, and more commonly as Miracle Fruit is an evergreen shrub that fruits with berries that, when chewed coat the tongue and cause sour foods to taste sweet for up to 30 minutes at a time. Its existence has been documented since the 1700's. It is native to Western Africa. Miracle Berry bushes can grow to up to 18-feet in height in the wild and more in range of 10-feet in height when cultivated. The brush throws fruit twice a year . For its size, the berry has a large seed roughly the size of a coffee bean. The unique taste altering properties come from a glycoprotein molecule called miraculin. Miracle berry seeds can be harvested from fresh ripe fruit or purchased from exotic seed retailers. A few exotic fruit purveyors also sell the fruit and young and mature fruiting trees online and will ship globally.

Things You'll Need

  • Miracle Berry seeds or tree
  • Rich well drained soil
  • Water soluble fertilizer
  • Container at least 12 inches in diameter
  • Warm moist location - natural or man made
  • Partial shade location
  • Water, humidifier and fan
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  1. How to Get a Miracle Berry

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      Harvest and plant Miracle Berry seeds immediately in rich, well drained soil. The seeds can be planted about an inch deep. Because they enjoy rich moist soil and humid conditions and don't like their roots disturbed, plant them in larger containers so that transplanting need only be done once when the plant is mature. The seeds should germinate within a month and begin to sprout.

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      Maintain your Miracle Berry in an outdoor, partial shade location where the temperature never dips below 50-degree Fahrenheit and you can control the humidity to keep it moist. Maintain your Miracle Berry indoors with a humidifier, fresh air circulation, a small fan and at least 13 hours of full spectrum light per day.

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      Water and fertilize consistently so that the soil surrounding the root ball is moist but not consistently wet. Use fertilizer that is water soluble and slightly acidic, which they like such as Miracid, year round every few weeks.

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      Nurture your plant for a few years in optimal conditions. If grown from seed, you should begin to see edible fruit in two to three years.