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Parts of a Raspberry Plant

The raspberry is a native North American flowering bush. There are several parts to the raspberry plant, each playing a role in producing the delicious red fruit. While its berries are small, the raspberry packs a punch of flavor and nutrition. The fruit is used in yogurt, breakfast cereals, baked goods, jams, chocolates, cooking sauces and vinegars.
  1. History of the Raspberry Plant

    • The use of Rubus idaeus, commonly known as the red raspberry, dates back to the 4th century. During medieval times, only the affluent could afford raspberries, and it was common for their juices to be used for painted works of art. Native Americans regularly ate raspberries and would dry them for traveling.

      In Europe, King Edward I of England encouraged raspberry plant cultivation. When European settlers came to the United States, they brought with them their many varieties of raspberry seeds to grow in gardens in their new land. George Washington also enjoyed growing raspberries at his Mount Vernon home. Following the Civil War, commercial production of raspberries began in earnest throughout the United States.

    Types of Raspberries

    • The most common raspberry plants are red raspberry and black raspberry. The different varieties of raspberry plants yield berries in red, purple, golden or black, with flavors that have subtle differences.

      The native plants are classified either as summerbearing, which bear fruit once in the early summer, or everbearing, which produce a crop in the spring and the fall. Most types of raspberry plants are self-fruiting, so they can produce berries without cross-pollination.

    Parts of a Raspberry Plant

    • The root and crown of a raspberry plant grow below ground level, along with crown buds, which are offshoots from the roots. Primocanes and floricanes are the two types of raspberry plant canes that grow up from the roots; the berries grow on the canes. The primocane is the first-year fruiting cane, while floricanes follow in the second year. The tops of the branches are called tips.

    How Raspberries Grow

    • It takes two years to grow a raspberry plant, but once it begins producing berries it continues for many years. While raspberry bushes grow best in sandy loam, they can thrive in just about any soil that has good drainage. Raspberry plants are typically planted in rows on raised beds several feet apart. They can also be trained to grow up a trellis, which keeps berries off the ground and within easy reach for picking.

      Raspberry plants like plenty of sunshine, requiring at six to eight hours daily for producing and ripening a crop. Frequent watering, weeding and fertilizing are also essential for their growth.

    Pruning Plant Parts

    • Pruning is essential to a raspberry plant to promote a harvest the following year. Depending on the variety of the raspberry bush, pruning is done either once or twice a year. During pruning, primocanes or floricanes taller than 5 feet are cut back to about 4.5 feet and weak canes are removed to promote growth of new canes.

      For everbearing raspberry plants, the first pruning is done in the spring, followed by a second pruning once the plant's berries are harvested. During the second harvest, the primocanes or floricanes that produced fruit are removed.

      Some varieties of raspberry plants, including purple and black, are pruned in the spring, summer and after bearing fruit.