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How to Grow Blueberry Bushes From Roots

Healthy, producing blueberry bushes are a pleasure for any gardener. Propagating these desirable fruit bushes is something you may need to do if you want to multiply the number of bushes you have, replace poor producing bushes with new ones, or start a new bush from a friend's plant. Whatever your reason, it may come in handy to know how to grow the bushes from roots. Combine good propagation skills with careful maintenance and you will have a good group of productive blueberry bushes for years to come.

Things You'll Need

  • Ground rock sulfur (available at a nursery or garden center)
  • Sharp knife
  • Pruning shears
  • Plastic sheet
  • Peat moss
  • Sand
  • Root fertilizer
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      Plan your root propagation of the blueberry bush for the spring, after the danger of frost has passed. Select a location with well-drained, slightly acidic soil, or make amendments to the soil to bring it to that level. A little ground rock sulfur tilled into the soil will make the soil more acidic; follow the instructions on the bag for application rates.

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      Cut away a thin, approximately 1-inch piece of the bark of an existing blueberry bush, right near the ground.

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      Make a "bandage" for the wound by first wrapping it with some damp sphagnum moss, then covering both with a wrap of plastic, sealing it to keep the moisture in. Roots should grow from the area on the bark that was cut within about 2 weeks. Allow it to grow for about another week so that it is well established.

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      Cut the new root growth away from the bush carefully with a sharp, clean pruning knife.

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      Bury the new shoot and its roots in a peat moss and sand mix, and leave about 1 inch exposed. Add more peat moss and sand to the new shoot as it grows so that it always has the top 1 inch exposed. Do this until it grows to about 8 inches in height.

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      Dig up the plant carefully and transplant it to the location you prepared in Step 1. Add some root fertilizer to the hole before covering it up, and your blueberry plant is well on ts way.