Home Garden

How to Get Seeds Out of Blackberries

Blackberry vines, or brambles, can be grown in any climate that provides enough sunshine, and with the right soil combination. Many homeowners and gardeners enjoy growing their own blackberries--as they are hardy plants--and presenting homegrown fruit to their guests. To separate seeds from your blackberries and save them for future plants, follow a few easy steps.

Things You'll Need

  • Containers with lids
  • Blackberries
  • Coffee filters
  • Strainer
  • Spoon
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    • 1

      Crush blackberries gently to expose the seeds inside. Use a spoon to crush the berries. Don't press so hard that you crush the seeds.

    • 2

      Scrape the berry mixture into a strainer, and run water over the mixture to wash away some of the fruit and clean the seeds.

    • 3

      Divide the cleaned seeds into containers.

    • 4

      Pour water over the seeds to further clean them.

    • 5

      Put the lids loosely onto the containers and set them in a warm place for one to three days. Do not leave the seeds sitting in water for longer than three days, as they will either sprout or rot.

    • 6

      Take the mixture outside and pour off the excess liquid. This will eliminate excess fruit juice, leaves and pulp.

    • 7

      Repeat the rinsing process. If you want to dry the seeds for storage, move on to Step 8.

    • 8

      Pour the seeds onto clean coffee filters. Do not use paper towels for this step, as the seeds will stick to the fiber.

    • 9

      Place the filters in a warm, dry place.

    • 10

      Stir the mixture a couple of times each day until the seeds have dried.