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Blackberry Bush Facts

Blackberries grow on spiny, vigorous bushes. Blackberries provide a succulent addition to salads or garnish for cakes and are delicious by themselves as a snack.
  1. Characteristics

    • Blackberry bushes are perennials that grow both upwards like a shrub and along the ground like a vine. These vine-like growths are referred to as brambles.


    • Many varieties of blackberry bushes have thorns and spines, but some plant breeders have recently developed thorn-free plants.


    • Blackberry plants generally live from 15 to 20 years.

    Blackberry Uses

    • Blackberries can be either consumed while fresh or processed for jellies, jams, preserves, wine, and pies. Over 90 percent of United States commercial blackberry production is designed for processing.

    Blackberry Benefits

    • Blackberries are high in antioxidants, vitamins, dietary fiber, and folic acid.

    Fun Fact

    • Blackberries are not actually berries; they are aggregate fruits composed of a cluster of drupelets.