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What Is Schizandra Berry?

The schizandra berry is part of the magnolia plant family and has over 25 species. The plant's vines feature small pink and white flowers, similar to those on a magnolia tree. This vine has red berries that are described as having five different tastes: sweet, salty, bitter, sour and hot. Schizandra has a rich history and is known for its many helpful medicinal properties.
  1. History

    • Schizandria berries are native to China and Japan and have been used for over 5,000 years, according to the Organic Chi Berry website. The first mention of the berry dates back the first century B.C. in an ancient herbal Chinese text that describes that the plant as being able to prolong the life. The berry is most commonly used in the Chinese, Japanese and Korean cultures. The Chinese name for schizandra is "wu wei zi," meaning "five taste fruit."

    Medicinal Benefits

    • The schizandra berry has many helpful medicinal uses. In Chinese medicine, the berry is known as a "king" remedy because it has a well-balanced energetic nature, according to the Gaia herbs website. This berry is said to support a healthy endocrine system, digestive system and liver function. The plant has also been used to treat insomnia, irritation and heart palpitations. The berry has also shown anti-bacterial, antioxidant and anti-depressant properties.

    Skin Benefits

    • Since the Ming Dynasty of China, schizandra has been used to help restore a youthful glow to skin and protect it from harsh elements such as the sun or wind. Schizandra has an astringent quality, which helps keep skin clear of blemishes and hold more moisture.

    Detoxifying Effects

    • Schizandra berry is also helpful as a liver and blood cleansing aid. It is said to the body rid itself of harmful toxins before they can cause damage. This can be attributed to the berry's lignans, or naturally occurring chemicals, namely phytoestrogens. This chemical mimics the hormone estrogen and has been used in menopausal women to treat cardiovascular disease, as well as in breast cancer research. These lignans can help the liver repair itself and prevent damage from occurring, according to the Nature's Alternatives website.

    Adaptogenic Properties

    • Schizandra berries are also known for their adaptogenic properties. Adaptogens are substances that help the body respond and adapt to stress. According to the Natural News website, research has shown that the berry can take the body from an extremely stressful physical or mental state to a balanced state. Schizandra can stimulate the central nervous system, but unlike the effects of caffeine, it does not cause jitteriness or excitability. Besides reducing stress, schizandra can reduce fatigue and improve concentration and memory.