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Goji Plant Care

Goji berries offer considerable nutritional value, although---according to the website Organic Natural Health---some vendors exaggerate their "miracle cure" qualities. These berries grow on bushes that require little in the way of special care or maintenance.
  1. Growing Environment

    • In the wild, the hardy goji bush tolerates most any kind of soil and can thrive even in the Himelayan mountains, according to the Fruit Expert website. Planting these bushes in well-watered soil, preferably with mulch, will result in leaf formation within just a few weeks. Gardeners should plant the bushes approximately one 3 feet apart.


    • Goji bushes may grow out of control unless regularly pruned, reaching a height of 10 feet. The Fruit Expert website notes that the bushes actually yield more berries when kept to a manageable size.

    Flowers and Fruit

    • Goji bushes generally take two years to begin to yield fruit, with summertime blossoming of purple or white flowers preceding the appearance of the berries in autumn. The bushes achieve their maximum yield from the fourth year onward.