Home Garden

Do Blackberries Grow on Trees?

We'll never know for sure if it was an apple falling from a tree that caused Sir Isaac Newton to formulate the law of gravitation. But we can be sure it was not a blackberry, because blackberries do not grow on trees.
  1. About Blackberries

    • Ripe blackberries on a blackberry bush

      Blackberries and their close cousins raspberries actually grow as a type of shrub known as a "bramble." The plant is perennial, which means the root will survive the winter and send up new stems, called "canes," each year. The canes are biennial, meaning that each cane has leafy growth the first year, survives the winter and forms flowers, buds and fruit the second year, and then dies.

    Growth Forms

    • There are three basic forms of blackberries. Erect blackberries grow upright and do not need to be grown on a trellis; semi-erect blackberries are basically upright, with some tendency to sprawl and may need to be supported by a trellis. Trailing blackberries must be grown with a trellis to provide support.

    Where to Plant

    • Plant blackberries in good soil, choosing a spot that gets full sun and has good airflow and drainage. Blackberries produce more flowers, and so more fruit from those flowers, in full sun. Good air circulation and good drainage help prevent diseases.