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Can Raspberries Be Grown in Large Patio Pots?

Growing raspberries in patio pots can be a solution for urban gardeners who would like to enjoy this delicious fruit but find themselves short on space. Raspberries also add beauty and color to the patio.
  1. Size

    • Raspberries can be grown in half barrels or 5-gallon containers. "Container Gardening for Dummies" recommends placing three to five plants in a half barrel. You may only want to place one or two plants in a 5-gallon container. You could also place raspberry plants in a hanging basket if you like.


    • The Container Gardening Expert recommends keeping raspberry plants in a cool place. Even so, the plants should not be exposed to frost. Raspberry vines need sunlight in order to bear fruit, so a spot on your patio with filtered sunlight in the afternoon can be an ideal area for these pots.


    • Make sure there are holes in the bottom of your container to allow for adequate drainage. If possible, set the pot on a couple of wooden blocks to facilitate drainage. Raspberry plants do not like to be extremely wet, so take care not to soak the roots when watering them.