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Can Strawberry Plants Survive Snow?

The winter can be a rough time for your garden. Fortunately for gardeners who live where winters are merciless, strawberries can survive as long as they get proper care before, during and after the cold and snowy months.
  1. Time Frame

    • As fall turns to winter, strawberries have already prepared their buds for next year. Unless you protect them over the winter, they won't last through the harsh temperatures and conditions. To prevent the roots from freezing up, cover your plants with 2 to 3 inches of herbicide-free mulch -- this can be hay, bark chips or even chopped up cornstalks -- before temperatures reach 20°F.


    • Remove any weeds before the snow comes to help the roots get as much water as possible over the winter. Even though strawberries don't require much water over the winter, weeds shouldn't get in the way of their water supply.

      Raised-bed strawberry gardens should receive more mulch than flat-bed gardens, as they freeze faster because they're not insulated by the ground.


    • Once the snow begins to melt in the spring, rake the mulch off to the side. Keep the mulch nearby until the temperatures start to increase in case of any sudden frosts.