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Elderberry Picking in Ohio

The elderberry, or Sambucus, shrub has abundant white flowers, which are fragrant. The berries ripen between July and September and grow in big clusters. Although elderberries are produced commercially, this edible berry grows wild in Ohio.
  1. Why Pick Elderberries?

    • Elderberries are a source of potassium, vitamin A and folate. In addition, these berries contain fiber and calcium. The berries and flowers have been used for treating colds, skin problems like rashes and burns and to slow sweating. Cooked elderberries are used in pies and jams.

    When to Pick Elderberries?

    • Elderberries should only be picked when ripe. The ripe berries will be plump. In addition, the ripe berries are bluish-black. If any hint of green or lighter shades of blue are present, the berries are not ripe and should be left to ripen on the plant. Elderberries will not ripen after picking. Ripe berries will be barely soft. If the berry is too hard, it may not be ripe.


    • Many parts of the elderberry plant contain cyanide. Thus, unripe berries should not be picked and consumed. Also, the stems, bark, leaves and roots should not be consumed. To be especially safe, only consume cooked, ripe elderberries.