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What Berries Can Be Grown in Planters?

Fresh berries picked at the peak of ripeness taste better than store bought. Grow a variety of berries in planters so you'll have a selection all summer long. Some berries will actually do better in planters than in the ground.
  1. Acid Loving Berries

    • Blueberries require lots of moisture and well drained acid soil. Many areas of the country don't have soil that's high enough in acid or the soil doesn't drain well enough. It's difficult to treat garden soil to improve the acid. A planter filled with potting soil suited to acid plants solves the problem.

    Cold Winter Areas

    • If your winters get below freezing to where the moisture in the planters freeze, you will have to replant the berries every year because when the water freezes the plant's roots freeze. Or cut back the berry plants, such as raspberries and blackberries, and move the planters into the garage or basement where they won't freeze.

    Ever Bearing Berries

    • Strawberries that are ever bearing, which means they fruit constantly over the summer, do well in planters. Once the fruits start producing you'll have blossoms, immature berries and ripe berries all at the same time. Keep the strawberries well watered but not soggy. Planters dry out more quickly than garden soil.