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How to Plant Loganberries

Loganberries are a type of blackberry with a trailing growth habit. The stems, commonly referred to as canes, will grow along the ground if not trained to climb a trellis or some other support structure. A wire trellis similar to those used to support grape vines may be used. Loganberries may also be planted along a fence or stone wall. Loganberries are planted in the spring but may be planted in the fall in warm, Southern locations.

Things You'll Need

  • Rototiller
  • Well-aged manure
  • Shovel
  • Loganberry plants
  • Trellis
  • Twist ties
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      One American Thornless loganberry plant can yeild up to 15 lbs. of fruit.

      Determine the most suitable location for the garden. Choose a sunny area that provides shelter from climate extremes. Provide shade from the mid-day sun in very hot summer climates. Plant the loganberries along a wall or structure that will protect them from cold winds in cooler climates. Temperatures below 15 degrees F. will kill the flower buds.

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      Have the soil tested by the county extension office. Loganberries require a slightly acid soil with a pH of 6.0 to 6.7. Add iron and manganese to alkaline soil in accordance with the extension office recommendations. Loganberries prefer soil with a loamy or clay texture that drains well and is organically rich in nutrients. The extension office can recommend organic matter that will improve the consistency and nutrient levels of the soil.

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      Clear all preexisting vegetation from an area large enough to accommodate the loganberry plants. Individual plants should be spaced 6 to 10 feet apart with multiple rows spaced 6 feet apart.

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      Use the rototiller to till the garden to a depth of 8 to 10 inches. Add any recommended soil amendments suggested by the county extension office. Spread well-aged manure or compost over the garden area. Till the soil until the manure and any other amendments recommended for soil improvement are completely mixed in.

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      Dig a hole with a shovel that is deep enough to easily accommodate the roots of the loganberry plant. The root junction should be covered to a depth of 2 inches in sandy soil and 1 inch in heavy clay soil. Carefully fill in the hole with garden soil by hand. Make sure the soil fills in under and around the roots so there are no air pockets. Water the newly planted loganberries generously and trim the stems or canes back to a height of 8 inches. Continue to water them every four to five days, if they are planted in sandy soil, or once per week if they are in heavy clay or loamy soil.

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      Affix the canes to the trellis or other support structure as soon as they are long enough. It is easier to do this before the new canes have leaves. Use twist ties to hold the canes against the support structure. Loganberry canes do not produce tendrils to hold themselves to the trellis, fence or wall.