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How to Water Raspberries

The sweet flavor of summer ripened raspberries is a welcome addition in the kitchen, but the plants require good irrigation practices to produce at their peak. Raspberries grow best with consistent moisture, and it's especially important to provide water when the plants are flowering and producing berries. Drought stress during the production period inhibits flower and berry formation, causing the plants to produce fewer and lower quality berries. A regular irrigation schedule and attentiveness to the needs of the bush helps the plant deliver an abundant raspberry harvest.

Things You'll Need

  • Soaker hose
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      Place a soaker or drip irrigation hose at the base of the raspberry plant. Soaker hoses deliver water directly to the soil and don't wet the foliage. Wet raspberry foliage is prone to disease.

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      Water the raspberry once weekly, providing 1-1/2 to 3 inches of water. Water applied in these amounts moistens the top 12 inches of soil thoroughly, keeping the raspberry root zone moist.

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      Irrigate raspberry bushes in the morning. Afternoon warmth and sunlight evaporates any excess moisture from the foliage. Morning irrigation also allows the water to soak into the soil instead of evaporating off in the heat of the day.

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      Increase watering to twice a week as the berries reach ripeness and if the soil begins drying more quickly. Feel the soil daily and implement a second watering if the top 3 to 4 inches begins drying out.