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Plants That Resemble Blueberries

The character of a typical blueberry is a round body with a bluish skin, a calyx on the blossom end and small black seeds. There are several plant varieties that bear fruit falling into this description. Most are edible but with different flavors. Some of these berries grow on bushes barely 6 inches tall, while others grow on trees up to 15 feet tall. You might see them as landscaping plants or in the wild growing in the woods. Never eat a berry that you have not identified.
  1. Serviceberry

    • Serviceberry grows on different varieties of the Amelanchier bush. This species goes by many names such as, Sarvis tree, shadbush, Juneberry and Saskatoon blueberry. The berries vary in size from a ¼-inch wide to ½-inch wide and often look the same as a wild blueberry. The bush blossoms early in the spring. The flavor of these berries is sweet but unlike a blueberry. The berry is often blue or black with some red in skin color. Some varieties resemble the flavor of bitter cherry or almond.

    Lowbush Blueberries

    • The wild or lowbush blueberry Vaccinium uliginosum L. is common in Northern New England. It is part of the Ericaceae plant family. Other common names are the bog blueberry, Alpine blueberry and bilberry. The plant grows via underground stems forming mats. The lowbush blueberry is a perennial in naturally acid soils bearing flavorful berries, arguably the most flavorsome of the real blueberries.

    Highbush Blueberries

    • Commercial growers plant varieties of the highbush blueberry as a super industry. It is also a variety of Vaccinium but in appearance is much different from the low bush blueberry. The berries are larger with a less distinct flavor than the wild or lowbush blueberry. This is a domesticated plant with huge yearly crops sold worldwide.


    • Huckleberry bushes are similar to the highbush blueberries. The leaves are small and elliptical, but the blossoms are reddish instead of white. There are 10 hard, creamy-white seeds in each berry. This plant also grows under the same conditions as the native blueberry. The fruits are edible and used in preparations similar to blueberries.

    Mexican Elderberry

    • The Mexican elderberry produces fruits similar to a blueberry but is different in flavor. This plant is native to the Western United States and is a variety of the Sambucas family. The berries are edible but used mostly in wine and cooked preparations with sugar.