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Pesticides to Get Rid of Ants & Japanese Beetles in Red Raspberries

Ants and Japanese beetles are two problems for raspberry plants. Although the ants themselves do no damage, they bring scale insects and aphids with them, which feed on the leaves and spread disease. Japanese beetles are voracious eaters, and a serious infestation can defoliate an entire bush.
  1. Spray Schedule

    • Choosing the right spray schedule for controlling ants and Japanese beetles is as important as using the right chemicals. A pesticide applied at the wrong time of the growth cycle will not kill harmful insects and can damage the raspberry bush or its berries. Start a spray schedule in the early spring and follow it up every two weeks for the rest of the season. Follow all directions on pesticide bottles for the best results.


    • Pest control for ants includes chemicals such as insecticidal soaps and pesticides that contain neem oil. Insecticidal soap is a low-toxicity chemical that kills ants without damaging the raspberry bush. Apply the soap to the whole plant, making sure each leaf is exposed to the soap. Neem oil also helps kill ants, and should be applied to the entire raspberry bush. Both insecticidal soaps and neem oil require repeated applications.

    Japanese Beetles

    • Japanese beetles are a problem during the weeks before harvest, when damage to the leaves of the raspberry plant can prevent full maturation of the berries, leading to a smaller harvest and unhealthy bushes. Malathion, carbaryl, pyrethrin and rotenone are all chemicals that effectively control the presence of Japanese beetles on a raspberry plant. Use a pesticide designed for Japanese beetles to get the most effective results when applying the chemicals to the bush.

    Pheromone Traps

    • Japanese beetles also respond well to pheromone traps, which draw them away from the host plant and into a bucket-like trap that is filled with a poisonous chemical. Using pheromone traps helps add another layer of protection to the raspberry bush and reduces the number of chemicals that need to be applied to the plant, which helps sustain its health and the health of its growing environment. Place pheromone traps away from any other orchard or decorative plants.