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What Natural Resources Help the Pinto Beans Grow

Dry edible beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) include kidney beans, black beans, navy beans and pinto beans. Pinto beans are a high source of fiber and work to effectively reduce cholesterol. A warm weather crop, beans grow easily and provide exceptional nutritional value when compared to many vegetables. Despite their ease of growth, natural resources are still required to make the process occur.
  1. Water

    • Bean plants require 1 inch of water each week to ensure productivity. Plants that do not receive adequate moisture are susceptible to pod drop and blossom loss. Soil kept too wet or too dry may result in bean pods that become malformed, allowing the rest of the pod to shrivel. For best results, watering early in the morning will give the plants opportunity to dry early, reducing the risk of the plants developing diseases.

    Finished Compost

    • Instead of using a common garden soil, the use of finished compost to cover your seeds will effectively prevent soil crusting. Compost improves nearly any soil quality and texture, allowing it to retain nutrients better than most soil. Improved soil quality will help the soil drain well and will allow air to penetrate. Pinto beans planted in soil mixed with finished compost will thrive due to the fact that the young roots can easily penetrate the soil, allowing them access to the moisture and nutrients they need.

    Organic Mulch

    • The use of organic mulch, including shredded bark or untreated clippings from your yard, will work to effectively prevent weeds and help the soil retain its moisture. After the soil has had time to warm up, apply 2 to 3 inches of organic mulch. Properly applied, organic mulch prevents evaporation, resulting in less water loss. Mulch will effectively maintain soil temperature and prevents soil from splashing up onto the plants during heavy rainstorms. When soil splashes onto plants, the plants may become infected with diseases from the soil. Organic mulch, much like finished compost, can improve the structure of soil as the mulch decays.

    Organic Peat Moss

    • Although not recommended for use on the surface of the soil, when incorporated into the soil, organic peat moss works effectively to minimize disease. Peat does not contain seeds from other plants, including weeds. Peat is also very good at retaining water, essential to healthy plant growth. When used on the top of the soil, peat will absorb water, drying out the soil underneath, so peat can provide the most benefit when used to start seeds and young plants by mixing it into the soil.