Home Garden

How to Grow a Black Wax Bean With Cola

Home gardeners typically use water to hydrate their plants without questioning whether other liquids might result in healthier crops. As a science project, curious students can plant wax bean seeds and water them with cola to see whether it has an adverse or positive affect on plant growth rate and quality. When comparing beans grown with cola to beans grown with other liquids, use equal-sized containers for each plant, place them in the same room and make sure they get an equal amount of sunlight.

Things You'll Need

  • Potting soil
  • Small flower pots with holes
  • Masking tape
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    • 1

      Fill a flower pot with potting soil and plant a single bean seed 1 inch deep in the soil. Repeat this process for each bean you want to grow.

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      Use masking tape to mark each flower pot with the liquid used to water it.

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      Water one of the beans every other day with cola until liquid starts to drain out of the bottom hole. The soil should be damp but not soggy. Repeat this process with the other plants and their specific liquids.

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      Record when your cola-grown bean sprouts relative to other plants and measure its height every day. Also write down any changes between the different plants, for example, wilting or different-colored leaves.