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How to Tell If Crowder Peas Are Ripe

Crowder peas, also known as black-eyed peas, cowpeas, and Southern peas, are native to Africa. The plants produce pods that contain peas. When crowder peas are ripe, the pods are ready to be harvested. Once you pick the peas, you can eat the pods whole, or shuck them and prepare the peas for eating or storage. Do not let the pods get overly mature, or they will become woody.


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      Hold one of the pods near the bottom in your hand.

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      Bend the pod gently in half. Do not break the pod, and do not pull it off the vine. If the pod is ready to be harvested, it will be tender enough to bend easily without snapping.

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      Run your fingers along the side of the pod to assess the pea growth inside. If the peas are mature and ready for harvest, the sides of the pod should bulge out. The combination of bulging sides and a supple pod mean the crowder pea pod is ready to be picked.