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Standard Method for Soybean Germination

Native to Asia, soybeans have been cultivated for thousands of years and were one of ancient China's five sacred grains. Today, the soybean is the most widely grown legume in the world. Also known as edamame, it's an easy crop to grow. It does, in fact, have the same care requirements as bush beans. It can be grown in containers for balcony gardeners or in well-prepared garden plots.
  1. Timing

    • Appropriate soil temperature is one of the most important aspects of soybean germination. If the soil isn't warm enough, the soybean seed will sit and is at increased risk of rotting. Wait until the soil temperature is between 60 degrees F and 65 degrees F to plant. Soil thermometers are available at garden centers and large home improvement stores. Take the temperature at a depth of 6 inches, and do it daily for three days.


    • Check the soil's pH in the fall, the year before you plan on planting the soybean seeds. The county cooperative extension office offers free to low-cost pH testing and can help you determine how much lime the soil needs to get it to a pH of 6.0. Apply the lime in the fall so that it has time to break down and soak in. Soybeans also require loose, fertile soil to germinate and produce strong roots. If you have heavy clay soil, amend it with peat moss and sand. These materials help create spaces in the clay to allow moisture and air to flow through. If you haven't grown soybeans in this particular plot of soil, inoculate the soybean seeds with a rhizobium garden soil inoculant. Rhizobium is a nitrogen-fixing bacteria, and the soil inoculants are available at gardening centers and online retailers.

    Sowing the Seed

    • Water the planting area to a depth of 6 inches before planting the soybean seeds. Sow the seeds according to the chart on the seed packet. A general rule of thumb for soybean planting is 1 to 2 inches in depth. The lighter the soil, the deeper you should plant the seed. In sandy soil, for instance, plant the soybean seeds 2 inches deep. In soils that hold moisture, plant them 1 inch deep. Space the seeds 2 inches apart in rows that are 15 to 30 inches apart. The seeds should sprout within one week.

    Growing On

    • Wait four days after planting to water the soybean seeds again, and only do so if there has been no rain. The seeds are susceptible to rot, so avoid over watering. Water until the top 6 inches of soil is moist, and only water again if there is no rain for five days. Give the soybean plants their first dose of fertilizer, at the rate suggested on the package, when they produce flowers. Use a 10-10-10 analysis fertilizer. Harvest the beans 85 days after planting.