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How to Harvest Chickpeas

Chickpeas, or garbanzo beans, are a legume and relative of bean plants. The chickpeas develop inside a pod like other beans, but they grow on bushy plants that have wide leaves. Chickpeas have a nutty flavor that complements both warm and cold dishes. They are often used in bean and lettuce salads. The pods require a 100 day growing season and warm, sunny weather to produce mature pods. Harvest the pods as soon as they mature, so wet weather in late summer and early fall doesn't cause them to rot in the garden.

Things You'll Need

  • Harvesting basket
  • Bowl
  • Storage container
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      Pick the chickpea pods from the plant after the pods turn tan and become dry and brittle. The majority of the chickpea plant also begins to brown and die back as the pods reach maturity.

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      Pull the fully dried pods off the chickpea plant. Harvest the pods in the afternoon after any morning dew or moisture has dried to minimize moisture on the dried pods.

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      Split open the pods with your finger. Remove the beans inside each pod and place them in a bowl, disposing of the remaining pod. Each chickpea pod holds one to two beans.

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      Store the harvested chickpeas in an airtight container in a dark, cool pantry until you are ready to use them. Dried chickpeas retain their quality for a year or longer when kept dry.