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How to Garden Broad Relon Beans

"Relon" is a variety of fava bean (Vicia faba “Relon”) that thrives in cool temperatures. Although the plant is considered a cool-season crop, it tolerates low temperatures to 41 degrees Fahrenheit and highs up to 80 degrees. “Relon” beans take between four and five months from planting to harvest.
  1. Timing

    • Sow “Relon” seeds in a sunny spot in September to harvest in late fall, or in November for an early spring harvest. Coastal gardeners can plant an additional crop in January for a summer harvest. Use a soil thermometer, inserted 4 inches deep, and when it reads between 60 and 65 degrees, it's safe to plant the "Relon" seeds.

    Preparing the Seeds

    • Legumes possess the unique ability to change the nitrogen in the air to a form that is more readily available to plants. They do this through a close association with certain types of bacteria. To ensure that the "Relons" achieve this ability, they'll need to be inoculated with bacteria before sowing. This is easily done by spraying the seeds with water, placing them in a container, such as a coffee can, sprinkling the inoculant over them and shaking the container until they're coated. The seeds will be black when they are completely covered with the inoculant. Plant them within 24 hours of inoculating.

    Preparing the Garden

    • Give the "Relon" seeds a healthy start by loosening the soil in the planting area to a depth of 6 inches. Spread a 3-inch layer of compost or aged manure onto the soil and work it into the top 6 inches of soil. Since the plant will manufacture its own nitrogen, this is the only fertilizer required during the growing season. Next, use a hoe to create a series of 2-inch-deep trenches, spaced 18 inches apart.

    Planting and Care

    • Place the “Relon” beans in the trench, 4 inches apart and fill the trench with soil, and water the planting area carefully to avoid washing away the seeds, until the top 4 inches of soil is moist. If it doesn’t rain, water to keep the soil slightly moist during germination. Once the "Relon" plants are actively growing, the only care required is to keep the area weed free. “Relon” has a somewhat shallow root system, so use caution when cultivating.


    • Harvest “Relon” to use fresh when the seeds are pea-sized. To use as shelled beans, wait until the pods are mature – when they reach 6 inches in length and are firm and crisp. Not all the pods mature at once, so keep checking the plant throughout the weeks ahead for additional beans to harvest. Twist and pull the beans from the stem to remove them from the plant. Check the “Relon” pods after harvest. If the scar -- the area where the bean attaches to the pod -- is black, it indicates rot. The scar should be white or green.