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How to Grow Green Beans in Your Garden

Green beans are easy to grow and do not require a large space to get a good harvest. Growing these types of beans are popular for these reasons. Green beans are great to eat fresh, cooked, in the skin or just the beans. Any type of bean is a good idea for the beginning gardener to start in their garden.


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      Pick the spot. Green beans thrive in raised bed gardens since the soil tends to warm faster. Full sun is a necessity for green beans. It's a good idea to grow beans together so that they don't cast long shadows onto smaller plants grown nearby. Prepare your stakes for the beans. Green beans can grow over 6 feet tall, so be sure to have stakes that are well sunk into the ground and plenty of ties for them.

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      Prep the soil. Till your soil 8 to 12 inches with a moderate amount of organic matter. While tilling the soil, it is a great time to secure your stakes into the ground. Secure the stakes two feet apart to accommodate enough room for the green beans to grow.

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      Plant seeds 1 inch deep around your stakes, four to five seeds per stake. As the seedlings begin to sprout thin down to the strongest two and allow them to continue growing, tying them to the stake as they grow. Keep lots of mulch around the base of the green beans to prevent weed growth.

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      Water them. Consistent light watering is best for green beans. Wet beans tend to spread disease very easily, so be sure to water at the base. Add compost when leaves turn light green.