Home Garden

Life Cycle of a Bean Sprout Seed

Mung beans are most commonly recognizable in their sprouted form. These bean sprouts are actually the start of a mung or soy bean's germination period and are often used as food.
  1. Appearance

    • Mung bean plants grow from 24 to 30 inches tall, with a moderate number of branches that grow 30 to 40 bean pods. These pods grow 10 to 15 beans each.


    • Mung beans are usually prepared for sprouting by an eight-hour soak in room- temperature water. This soak softens the outer husk of the bean, which makes it easier for the mung bean to sprout.


    • Once they've been soaked, mung beans are placed in a tub or on wet towels to sprout. The bean sprouts are left for four to six days, with additional water added up to three times a day, and then removed for consumption or planting.


    • If they're going to be used for planting, bean sprouts are transferred to a rich, quick-draining soil and raised as plants.


    • If they're going to be eaten, bean sprouts are washed with cold water to clean off any remaining husk, and packaged or taken straight to the stove. Industry standard of ideal bean sprout size is 3 1/2 inches long.


    • Bean sprouts are used in Asian cooking, stews, soups and salads.